Declutter your business

anxiety business declutter entrepreneur freedom simplify wholehouse May 17, 2023

Simplicity is my love language. Can I tell you why?

It's because we experience anxiety when we fill our lives with things and thoughts that prevent us from experiencing spaciousness.

Complexity is the inverse of spaciousness; AND, it's the handcuffs of your business as well.

Complexity can look like having too many services on your menu, too many objectives, or even a mission that's hard to understand.

Why do we overcomplicate things?! This is the question to answer.

Most commonly, I see entrepreneurs overcomplicate things when they treat their business like a storage facility instead of a system.

Just like your body's equilibrium is dependent on having 'just enough' water, food, sun, etc. to thrive, your business is no different.

Just enough action focused on the right things - versus all the things - creates equilibrium.

Focused action creates simplicity sans anxiety.

It's how you ensure that YOU are the boss of your business, not the other way around.

If you're craving simplicity in a major way, then I encourage you to get on my waitlist because I have one spot opening for 3 months of intense business support in June.

Scaling without overwhelm is what it's all about when you work with me.

You can schedule a call here to see if we're the right fit for each other. (Plus, I've dropped some words from my people below.)


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